Thursday, 7 February 2013

My Worst Day Begin..

Serik rasa nak berinai ni.
I think even though for my wedding day, x nak inai dah.
I bought this inai at mydin,forgot to snap the pic.
So ugly right ?
This inai so bad.
At first, hitam sangat. Menjerit tgk.
But then, rendam air garam, ok ckt,ckt je la ok.
Malam tu,I can't sleep thinking about this inai.
Actually peristiwa ini berlaku pada hari ahad
3rd of February

Then, on Monday.
I can't work!
keep looking at my hand.
Damn it.So ugly.

Bad mood! Don't say any word to me..

Then, I found this petua,used limau or lemon.
Bought 2 lemons.
Hmm, x jd pon. penipuan sgt.

But then,I found this petua,
ubat gigi bkn je utk removed cavity gigi tu,
but also inai,

Not only once used,trs hilang.but I can see the different before and after used this ubat gigi.


ignore the messy.hehe

smile back ^______^

I really can't sleep

Rindu perasaan ngantuk nak tdo guling2

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