Tuesday 12 March 2013

Coach in the house :)..

I got a new purse from Mr. Hisyam.
x sangka lak.hehe
by the way,i love it too much.
It's simple and suitable for me.
Hmm, I think he gave me this present because the old one,dah koyak2 dah. see the pic below.
kalo org tgk,mst org cakap, buruknye purse ~_~

So al kisahnye,miss nurul pernah send mms to Mr. Hisyam dengan tujuan nak tergelak tgk, sampai koyak macam tu sekali.
xd niat nk minta baru pon.hehe
tapi en.tunang dah bagi,sy terima dengan senyuman yg lebar.haha.
Thanks yunk for advance birthday gift :)

Love u,sayang!

By the way,last year dapat purse gak.hehe.
so,next year nak hadiah lain lak.hehe



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